Final Schedule for 2022
We will finish our season with a lot of opportunities to pick! We have a CRAZY amount of blueberries ready for you!!
We will have periods of time that you will be on the HONOR system--go out and pick, weigh your own bucket, drop your money in the box. We TRUST you and want to give you as many open hours to pick as possible on this last weekend.
Thursday, Sept. 1. 8am-8pm
Friday, Sept. 2 8am-8pm
Saturday, Sept 3 8am-8pm
Sunday, Sept 4 8am-8pm
Monday, Sept 5 8am-8pm
$3 per pound and as always, round down to the nearest dollar! The scale will be tared to the large bucket.
If you need assistance, we will be in the field or in the gardens working.
We will only close early if we get picked out (can't image that could happen!).
Tell you friends and get here this weekend--it's a long winter and you will be glad to have some freezer berries!
~Bob and Jodi